• Frankfurt: 2OA $


  • GOLD


Board of Directors & Advisors

Richard Leveille

Independent Director

His work experience progressed through companies such as AMAX, Kennecott, Rio Tinto, and Phelps Dodge. Notably, he was the Senior Vice President of Exploration for Freeport Copper & Gold. Mr. Leveille managed the team that added 54 billion pounds of copper to reserves and made the Chukarui Peki discovery in Serbia, which shared the 2016 PDAC Thayer Lindsley International Mineral Discovery Award.

Mr. Leveille has an accomplished career that spans over forty years. He has been involved in many discoveries on various continents and has published several papers on the psychological, technical and economic aspects of exploration.

Since his retirement at Freeport in 2017, Mr. Richard Leveille has been working as a Consulting Geologist focusing on mineral exploration in Australia, South America, and the United States.